A high quality 100 % cotton terry cloth towel can be used for both applying and removing just about any meguiar ' s product 高质量的100 %的棉质毛巾可用于擦拭和去除任何美光的产品。
Meguiar ' s recommends a meguiar ' s ultimate wipe microfiber cloth or 100 % cotton terry cloth towels - they both have their place in the detailing industry 我们推荐一款美光的超纤维毛巾或100 %棉质毛巾-它们都可用于擦干表面。
On the other hand , both 100 % cotton terry cloth towels and premium microfiber polishing cloths such as meguiar ' s ultimate wipe offer a thick , plush nap that will draw contaminants up into it providing a level of protection that flat sheen cloths don ' t offer 在另外一个角度来讲, 100 %棉质的毛巾和超纤维抛光布,像美光的超纤维毛巾,其厚实的、毛绒绒的圈毛可以吸附很多微小的灰尘,这是普通毛巾所无法比拟的。